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Since 2015, Texans with certain medical conditions have had access to medical marijuana through the state’s Compassionate Use Program.
Struggling with painful or uncomfortable symptoms? Medical cannabis can have a significant impact on your daily life.
Read on for details to determine if you qualify. We’ll help you make an informed decision about the Texas medical program!
About the Compassionate Use Program (CUP)
The Texas medical cannabis program, called CUP, is a little different from most states’ programs in that it limits THC content.
Under state law, certain physicians can prescribe low-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) cannabis to residents who qualify. Low-THC products derive from the cannabis sativa plant that contains 1% THC or less.

Who qualifies for medical cannabis in Texas?
To qualify for a medical marijuana card in this state, you must be:
A permanent resident of Texas
Diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition (listed below)
Prescribed medical cannabis by a CUP-registered physician
There is no age requirement for the program, but patients under 18 may need permission from a legal guardian.
What are the qualifying conditions for medical cannabis in Texas?
Texas permits the use of low-THC medical marijuana to patients with certain medical conditions. These include:
Seizure disorders
Multiple sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Terminal cancer
An incurable neurodegenerative disease
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
How can I get a medical cannabis card in Texas?
First, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with a CUP-registered physician, such as a practitioner at Canna Care Docs in Texas. They’ll answer any questions you have about the program, your condition, and whether medical marijuana is the right choice for you.
If you qualify, your prescription will be entered by your physician in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT). Then it can be retrieved by you or your legal guardian (if you’re under 18) from a licensed dispensary. You will need to provide an ID and your name, date of birth, and last five digits of your social security number.
How much does a medical cannabis card cost?
The cost of obtaining a medical marijuana card through Canna Care Docs in Texas is $159 for a new application and $100 for a renewal.
Want to get started?
We’re ready whenever you are. Just call Canna Care Docs Texas at 1-866-318-3902 to book an appointment, or contact us. If a provider isn’t available, we’ll schedule a telemedicine appointment for you.