Unlocking Cannabis Relief: Insights from 50K User Sessions on Tetragram
November 18, 2024
5 Benefits of Getting an MMJ Card in a Rec State
January 25, 2025
It’s that time of year. Families and friends gathering together to eat food, drink wine, and consume cannabis. There was a time when herbal consumption was relegated to the cousins “taking a walk” after dinner. But times have changed. With legal cannabis markets spanning the country and an uptick in adult consumption, cannabis is becoming as much a part of holiday gatherings as sweet potato pie. Who do people consume with and how accepting do cannabis consumers report their inner circle being of their penchant for the plant? To answer these questions, we looked at consumer survey data, and here is what we found.
Thirty-nine percent of consumers report supplying family and friends with cannabis, including 49% of consumers under 35.
About a quarter (26%) of consumers say that cannabis is sometimes a part of holiday gatherings/celebrations with family. And among those who have consumed with others in the past year, 45% say it was with friends, 39% with a spouse/partner, 13% with a sibling, 9% with extended family, 6% with parents, and 4% with their children (assuming they have adult children).
Consumers are not afraid of disclosing cannabis use to the people close to them. Ninety-three percent of consumers say their friends know they consume cannabis, and 89% say the same for their family. And 59% say their friends and family are generally supportive of their consumption.